
sunday, jan 1
first wonder of the year is my friends forever and always!!! the wonder of every day every year for forever + ever but especially today :]
monday, jan 2
waffles! me + my sister + my mom made some this morning and had them with sour cherry preserves and they were so yummy!!!!
tuesday, jan 3
the rain!! it was drizzling on and off all day!
wednesday, jan 4
motivation! i managed to send 2 emails i'd been putting off and i'm proud of myself for that <3
thursday, jan 5
libraries libraries libraries!!!! one thing about me is i will always love libraries forever and ever
friday, jan 6
plays! read eurydice (by sarah ruhl) for the first time and i feel like a changed person
saturday, jan 7
the color purple :] i think purple is a good color. a great color even
sunday, jan 8
naps in the car!!
monday, jan 9
music!!! i think its funky that we can listen to our silly music while other people are also listening to their silly music at the same time... parallel play
tuesday, jan 10
puddles! it is a wonder of life that we can wear rainboots and then step in puddles when it rains. to me
wednesday, jan 11
m&m's :] i won a small jar today < guessed 413 m&ms. for reasons. there were 455!
thursday, jan 12
stories... when you can come up with a whole new world to explore and then have fun in and share with others so they can enjoy it too..... yeah
friday, jan 13
birthdays ^_^ hung out at a friends house and had SO MUCH FUN
saturday, jan 14
soup!!! specifically my mom's aash reshte :]
sunday, jan 15
cool calculators :] i found my sisters old graphing calculator and its blue and transparent and it looks sooo cool
monday, jan 16
teal! i get to choose a color to paint my room and im SO EXCITED and teal is currently one of the top 2 contenders! regardless of whether or not i end up w a teal room it is still such a neat color forever and ever
tuesday, jan 17
video games :] i don't play them much but hanging out with my friends and watching is soo much fun always
wednesday, jan 18
cherry blossoms! there are these trees w/ white flowers both in my school and my street around this time every year and they're always so pretty and unexpected
thursday, jan 19
kind words! i think it is indescribably cool that we get to language 2 make other people happy and other people can do the same to us
friday, jan 20
good books!!! i forgot just how much i loved raybearer and how much i missed wanting to read!!!!
saturday, jan 21
funsies and sillies <- this is ambiguous & vague i know but just know there are more specific wonders. In my heart
sunday, jan 22
space! i think it is cool that there are things up there and we know things about them + one thing about me is i would like to know more always <3
monday, jan 23
sunshine!! it was COLD today (to me.) but we persevere
tuesday, jan 24
naps! i got home today and slept for like an hour and it was incredible. highly recommend